Education is a vital life line in an organization. In this vital life line fresh blood is produced and supplied into the cells for keeping them alive and produce new cells that grow and upgrade the organization.
Persian Tramnd Co. is the provider of innovative and advanced training in the field of strategic management, new marketing, branding, creative advertising, and business development seminars and gatherings. bEducation for sustainable development, is an approach that seeks to empower employees to receive training responsibility to create a sustainable future.
Sustainable Development is the creation of balance between development and the environment. In 1980, for the first time the term sustainable development was used in the report by Sustainability released by World Conservation (IUCN). In its report titled the strategy to conserve natural resources this term is used to describe a situation that development is not harmful to the nature, on the contrary helps it.. Sustainability can have four aspects:
Sustainability of natural resources, political sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability.
In fact, sustainable development is not focused only on accidental environmental aspect but also the social and economic aspects of it. Sustainable development is the meeting point of society, economy and environment.
The role of education in sustainable development:
Development is a comprehensive transformation process and moving from one historical stage to the new stage to create new capacities and upgrading human, educational, and economic capabilities, and so on. Realization of such a process requires a fundamental transformation. International studies and experience, suggest that the sustainable development passes through human resources and is a precondition for the occurrence and continuation of any development, investment in human resources which constitutes the core element of any society.
In modern terms, the knowledge is the linchpin of development and the educational system is considered the gateway to knowledge.Accordingly, unlike the pioneers of development theory who always emphasized on the importance of establishing and expanding the physical and material resources, nowadays, due to the importance of education in the lives of individuals and communities, the cost of education is considered as a fundamental investment.Human capital theory, while emphasizing on the productivity of investment in human resources, argues that these investments resulted in an increase of production capacity and productivity of people.From the economic point of view, although the return on investment in human resources, often requires long-term and lengthy process, but its efficiency is very deep and wide and is reflected in all personal and collective actions of the trained personnel.